This past week presented me with a choice that actual, wartime prisoners of war don't get.. I got to choose whether or not to remain imprisoned. You see, my prison was fear and anxiety over a matter on my job. I was not at all 'pleased' when I received a certain email, so I had to determine to refuse the agitation resulting from its content or, to yield to it. All of us human beings have feelings that can imprison us briefly or, for the long-term. Blessedly, our Lord has made it possible for us to rise above them through his powerful Holy Spirit. All we need to do is gratefully receive His strength by admitting our need and our desire to do so. None of us is meant to live in bondage to our mind, emotions, and will because we were created in His image... Body, Soul, and Spirit. So, we can either be spiritually dead in our sin which is alienation from the Lord, or, we CAN choose the wonder-filled life of HIM within us as his Holy Spirit supports, and lifts us above negative, unwanted emotions. Jesus said, "My peace I leave with you.. not as the world gives, give I unto you." We mortals can't come up with true peace, hope, or joy.. But, I personally know the ONE who freely bestows these upon anyone who refuses to be a P.O.W.! (To clarify.. The war is between our carnal, sinful nature, and Spirit-filled living as He offers us freedom from empty, futile, fear-filled living.. Ugh!) OH! I was released from that prison of fear and anxiety so when I acted on the email, all went well..Thank You, JESUS!