Friday, June 10, 2011


I often tell others that when I'm not at my school doing my paid job, I am at my other 'job' which pays far better than the wages I receive from my school district.  Most days, as I walk away from school, I look forward to visiting 'my' senior citizens... Some days I will lead a lightweight Bible study. Sometimes I'll sit in someone's room for 30-90 minutes to just 'be there' as I listen to concerns, etc. On other days, I will 'make the rounds' in the care facilities where I am committed to sing at bedsides to individuals (and their roommates!?). There are no words to effectively describe the depths of joy experienced as my LORD restores me during these times. (My paid job can easily 'deplete' me at times!)
As I was reading the Gospel of Mark this AM, I noticed once again this comment by Jesus..."It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." (Mark 2:17) It finally dawned on me that we do have the ULTIMATE HEALTH CARE PLAN!  Do we realize it and, are we grateful? Jesus promises abundant, peaceful, hope-filled, joyful life! All of these are wonderful 'medicine' to our struggling souls as we suffer the 'ills of society' which can impact us frequently...  I, myself, have learned to delight in 'Doctor Jesus,' as HE constantly cares for me far better than any earthly physician ever could!  How about you? 

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