Many of you readers know about how I spend a significant amount of time each week in nursing and/or assisted living facilities. I love this call to sing with, or to, the residents as well as to getting to lead them in growing knowledge of the Word of God at times. Well... Recently, while walking down the hall at a nursing/rehabilitation center, I couldn't 'just walk on by' a lady with hopeful eyes who spotted me. I took time to meet her since another lady I'd intended to spend time with had been too asleep to awaken for a visit. This new lady to me was very grateful for the songs I sang to her and for the simple act of my turning off the over the headboard light which was exaserbating her bad headache. This light should have had a string attached to its short (3 inches?) chain so she could control it from her immobile state of lying in that bed. There were 2 other big 'factors' contributing to her discomfort, but for now, this lack of a string leads to my chosen title for today. For, you see, I know we all have needs for assistance in living a thriving life. It must tug on God's heartstrings when we are often unable or, unwilling, to ask for, and accept his help. In her case, only two of her three needs were meetable by me as I took time to stop, listen to, and realize them. Contrary to this, HE is able to meet all of our needs for a thriving life of abundance (John 10:10), as well as one of prosperity, hope, and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). So.....
This leads me to ask myself, and you, how often we don't call out to our Lord, to 'meet us where we're at?' Do we willingly acknowledge our Creator's desires to be the sole source of our physical, mental, social, and SPIRITUAL well-being. (Afterall, HE is LIFE itself! Jesus is The WAY, The TRUTH, and The LIFE! -John 14:6) Since we humans are not truly 'mere mortals,' but are triune beings with bodies, souls, and spirits, it is imperative to realize we are either spiritually dead in sin and its consquence of alienation from our Creator/Father God, or, we are spiritually alive because we've accepted our need for spiritual new birth through the atoning blood of Jesus which made possible the reconciliation of us to our Heavenly Father. No other created beings had the breath of God (his spirit!) breathed into them, nor, are they meant to know God personally, as mankind is. Until we welcome Him as LORD and Savior (deliverer from sin's penalty of separation from God!), we individuals 'tug on his heartstrings,' since HE desires to be our sole sufficiency as He provides ALL we need while we are earthbound. Do you let HIM be? Which areas do you hold onto, thinking, "I can do this myself!?" We can ease the tug on his heartstrings if we want to!