Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Many of you may have seen these already, but for those who haven't, I am sharing them today. Simply put, we can chose NOT to let these be the days of our weeks!.. SINDAY, MOURNDAY, TEARSDAY, WASTEDAY, THIRSTDAY, FIGHTDAY,  and SHATTERDAY.  As I typed these, I realized there's really nothing wrong with being THIRSTY as long as we know JESUS as our living water and admit how thirsty we are for the refreshment only HE can provide. Then, of course, as Christian soldiers we choose not to not accept Satan's attacks (FIGHTDAY!), but to proclaim the matchless name of JESUS to battle his efforts. (The wonderful truth I love to remember here, is that the ultimate battle has already been won by JESUS through his death and resurrection!.. We get to live accordingly when we 'remember' to!)
The other 2 days I see which could have 'alternate' meanings are MOURNDAY and TEARSDAY, since there is absolutely nothing wrong with mourning at times... We just don't need to be mired in a permanent state of disabling grief. Even Jesus wept at one point. (right before Lazarus was raised!)  One  more thought regarding sorrow, is to not resist God's tears regarding sin He's revealing to you.  In fact, welcome his attentive care for yours and his relationship...                                                                                
BUT, all of you 'out there in cyber-space' and those I cross paths with at times, beware of SINDAY, WASTEDAY, and SHATTERDAY.... and, of course, beware of those other days when their names are taken at 'face value' in the detrimental sense they were all intended..  EVERY DAY of our lives, the LORD has plans for our hope and future... plans to prosper, and not to harm us.. (Jeremiah 29:11). How do you intend to respond to his HOLY SPIRIT within you as He cares for you each day? Perhaps verses 12 and 13 of Jeremiah 29 provide some help... "Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." ('Heart' is often meant as 'soul,' which includes your mind, emotions, and will.)   May you know the peace, hope, and joy I KNOW HE intends for you as you look to Him, receiving his care.

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