Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Just in case anyone is anticipating a post about RABBIT TRAILS, I will write about them at a later time because I met a gal last evening who inspired this post. As I was 'pontificating' on how TRUE peace, hope, and joy can only come from living in a right relationship to the LORD, she simply suggested I add LIGHT to that list! Need I say more? She is very correct to have realized that JESUS is THE LIGHT of the world.. Thus, life apart from HIM is one lived in spiritual darkness... UGH!  A few moments later, she 'lit up,' as she said 'MERCY'.. What a blessing it was to hear the spontaneous sharing of a lady new to me, as she contributed her knowledge of just 2 of the blessed realities our Lord intends for us to know, and experience.. Dear readers, ask yourself today if there have been times you knew you were guilty of something that deserved a 'consequence.' HOW good did it feel if/when you did not receive 'what you deserved?' That is MERCY! I think of a scene early in KARATE KID II where the old man doesn't 'give it to' an offender but instead, exercises mercy.. Later in the movie, the boy does the same in a final competition of sorts, and the recipient of the mercy would 'rather not' receive it.. HOW PATHETIC! We should never be too proud to graciously accept the mercy we all need so often!  At any rate.. May all of you go forth in the LIGHT and MERCIFUL LOVE of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!! As I am enhancing and proofreading this before I hit "Publish," a marvelous song is being sung by STEVE GREEN .. It is simply called, ENTER IN.. I know other songs by the same title, but this particular one is SO powerful as I have written about LIGHT, and MERCY! The next song is the well-known one from the mid-80's.. PEOPLE NEED THE LORD. Need I say more? 

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